Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Winter Has Arrived!

On the weekend, we got a huge snowstorm.  We decided that Winter has finally arrived, in all it's glory!  It snowed for almost 2 days straight, and we ended up with much of this beautiful white stuff.  The great thing about winter arriving at the end of February is that Spring is just around the corner, so it makes it easier to enjoy the snow knowing that we won't have it for the next 6 months!

It took Art about 4 1/2 hrs. to plow our driveway, as well as a few of our neighbors.  And then, he headed out a few hours later to plow some more!

It's kinda crazy to think that last weekend, we were walking around with hoodies on in Great Falls, and  it was +8, and a week later, it's -20 with tons of snow!  I am so thankful we didn't have to drive this weekend, and that we went away last weekend!

We all got outside to enjoy the snow....it was beautiful!
 I think the toys the Girls are playing with a snow buried under the snow!

 Here's my backyard...over the hill and through the woods....
 Even Moses loved the snow.  It was pretty deep for him!
 He loves having his picture taken....

This is a truck in our neighbors yard.... my tracks from walking to take this picture were almost covered the next day!

As much as I have loved our winter of not much snow, it was incredibly beautiful to see!  Everything is so white and bright now.  Thankfully, it's supposed to warm up this weekend, so hopefully some of this will start to melt.  In the meantime, it's sledding for everyone!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Montana....Oh, How I Love Thee!

Well, we made it home, safe and sound.  We had a great trip down to Montana!  We did lots of driving, sightseeing, swimming, shopping and eating.  It was all good!

We left early Friday morning, and it was a beautiful day for driving!  Thankfully, just before I fell asleep Thursday night, I remembered that we needed our passports.  Wouldn't that have stunk....all the way to the border only to be turned away because I had forgotten them?!  Here's our first view of the Rocky Mountains....always a welcome sight, and so incredible to behold!

 South of Calgary, there was no snow (yippee!!) and it was warm and spring like!  Here's some more of the landscape....so beautiful!
 One of our favorite buttes just outside of Great Falls
 Halfway to Montana, Art realized that he had "forgotten" all of his shirts which were hanging up directly above the suitcase.  Coincidence?  I'm still not sure.... So after we arrived in Great Falls, we checked into our hotel and did a little bit of shopping.  Saturday we spent the days exploring Great Falls some more, which included....shopping.  My man needed some clothes!  Each night, after our adventures, we spent a few hours at the hotel pool, which the Girls loved.  It's been fun to see their progress in the swimming department.  They are are (finally) loving it! 
 Sunday, we decided to take a drive to Helena, the state capital.  We've never been, and it was a beautiful day and a beautiful drive through a minor little mountain pass. 
We made a few stops along the way, with a few little hikes to see some more of the scenery.  There were people fishing in this river you see below us.  In the middle of February.  Crazy!
 Helena was a lovely city, and we drove around the old part of town, drooling over their big, old, beautiful houses.  As luck would have it, one of the homes we drove by was for sale, and they were having a tag sale.  "Stop the van!!" I yelled.....and we got to take a look through this old home.  Pretty amazing details and woodwork throughout.  The asking price is only $599,000.  Any takers?
 The built ins were amazing - this was in the dining room.
 I just love all of the details...the door handles, woodwork....Art and I were dreaming of all we could do with this home in a year...
 I think I could live here....if it was moved from town to the middle of nowhere, that is!

 This was one of our Girls favorite parts of the day..."looking at all the old mansions".  Truth be told, it was one of my favorite parts of the day too.  This, and Costco.  Can I just say....Costco in the US is
a. mazing.  Amazing!
 I love the porch on this place...it looked to be stained cedar.  I could eat my breakfast out there!

 On Moday, we thought we'd take another drive in the opposite direction, towards White Sulphur Springs.  Again, we've never been there.  The day started out spectacular.  We saw loads and loads of deer....probably close to 100!

 We knew that we were going to drive through the Lewis & Clarke National Forest, but what we didn't realize was that it was such a climb in altitude through the forest...over the Little Belt Mountains.  So, over the hills and through the woods we went...
With pretty crazy winter driving conditions....oops!  So much for a relaxing drive.  Thankfully, these conditions lasted for only about 1/2 hr., but man, was there ever a ton of snow!  Lots of snowmobile tracks, and not much traffic.  We arrived in White Sulphur Springs, and realized that it was President's Day, so not much was open.  Only the gas station, in fact.  Art felt that it was his duty to introduce our girls to ding dongs.  They were quite thankful for the introduction....! 
On the way home, we enjoyed the scenery, and met a really nice Montana State Trooper.  He was so friendly that he pulled us over and chatted with us for probably close to 15 minutes.... thankfully, he only gave Art a warning, and after some more visiting, we were on our way.  Really, he was one of the nicest law enforcement officers we've had the pleasure of dealing with! 
Tuesday morning found us back on the road, this time, heading home.  It was such a great time to get away, and enjoy some family time. 
We asked the Girls what their favorite part of this trip was.  Their answer?  "The drives!"
It's funny to me that they loved it that much....sitting for hours on end in the van.  I suppose, though, that it's all they know.  Since our extended families live in BC, we've always taken road trips, and I think it's finally started to pay off!
Now, the next question is, "When are we going again?!"

Thursday, February 16, 2012

On Planning

So, here's the deal.  I'm a planner.  I like to have everything mapped out, planned out....what my day, week, month will look like.  It's true.  And I'm happy to admit it. 

When we were first married, I found it was much easier to be spontaneous.  I was happy to jump in the car and go.  And then we had one child...then two...three....and finally, four.  And I'm not gonna lie.  It's way harder for me to be spontaneous now, knowing that I have to arrange everything for everyone...which includes packing and planning and food and all the other things that go along with having a bigger family.

So, this week, we are being spontaneous.  We are going to Montana.  Tomorrow.  And we decided on Tuesday.  And I'm pretty darn excited!!

So this week has been full of laundry and preparing and planning (I can't help myself!!)....but in small doses. 

On Monday, it's Family Day.  And we will be spending time together as a family.  No cell phones.  No interruptions.  No work.  Just us.  And a hotel.  And a pool.  And housekeeping.  And Target.  And Big R.  Pure, unadulterated bliss.  Truly.  So here's to me not planning!  Yippee!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day

Yesterday, we had lots of fun celebrating Valentine's Day with the Girls.  We started out with a treasure hunt for them to find a little present I'd picked out many, many moons ago.... We actually were going to give this to them at Christmas, but decided that they had enough then, and waited until Valentine's Day.  I was so excited to see them in these cute shirts!

I made monkey bread for breakfast, a recipe I found on my beloved Pinterest!  I'm not gonna lie...it was pretty delicious!

Then, after breakfast and school, we headed out to the barn for an afternoon ride.  The Girls looked awfully cute dressed all western in their pink shirts! 

When we were driving home, this is the sight we got to see...the sunset was incredible!

We had some dinner with Art at his office (romantic, I know....) and then headed home for showers and bed.  After the Girls went to bed, Art and I watched some tv, and then I looked out our kitchen window and saw the Northern Lights.  They were AMAZING!  It's been so long since I've seen them, and they were out in their full glory, so we woke up the Girls to see them.  It was an excellent day of spending time with my family, loving these Little Ladies.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Happy Birthday!

February is a month full of birthdays.... On Saturday is was "Auntie Frieda's", and she came over for dinner and cake.  Can I just say...in all our years of marriage, Art has never made me a cake.  He did, however, make one for his sister.  I did put the recipe out on the counter, and kinda hint that he could make it since I was going to be out all day, but I didn't think he'd make it, and the icing, and put it all together....I was impressed!  It was a red velvet cake, and really, really yummy!

Yesterday, it was Art's birthday.  Originally, he was planning on taking the day off, but as is often the case when you own your our business, something came up and he had to work.  We did take a few hours during the day to hang out though - we had to pop into the city and pick up light fixtures and handles.  Exciting, I know. 

I do...  LOVE that man!  Sometimes, when I think of our years together, I cannot believe so much has happened.  4 kids.  Moving provinces.  Different jobs.  But yet, it really has been so great.  Art is such a kind, loving, gentle, patient, and stubborn man.... and I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat! 

Last night, we had a few friends over and celebrated with cake. Really, really yummy deep dark chocolate cake with raspberry filling and chocolate butter cream icing. Did I mention that it had 3 layers? I must really, really love that man!!

Next, we'll celebrate Ellie Mae's birthday.  My baby is going to be 5!  Now how's that for crazy!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

It's A Great Day to Be Alive...

It has been unseasonably warm and wonderful here in Alberta.  The snow is melting, the birds are chirping...it feels like Spring!  I know, however, that Spring is far from arriving, but I'll take these days when I can. 

Sunday, I headed out to the barn, and, with a friend, we took a little trail ride over to a neighboring farm and back.  On the way there, we rode beside the fence line, and on the way back, threw the fields.  It was beautiful outside, and sitting on the back of a horse, it was a blissful afternoon!

It's a good thing that we went on Sunday, though, because our warm weather is gone - yesterday's high was -9C I think!

Yesterday, Art was supposed to have his riding lesson.  This is how I know that the Girls are excited to go to the barn....

One of them had brought in all our boots, to warm up.  I love seeing them all lined up there!  Ellie Mae is the only one now without spurs on her boots.... and she's been talking about getting some.  Too cute!

Last night, we ended up just riding, instead of Art having a lesson, which was just as fun!  I doubled the little Girls for a bit - Ellie Mae wanted to lope, of course, and "go faster".  It amazes me that she has no fear at all of these HUGE animals!  It's been a great couple of days here....

Friday, February 3, 2012

Something Old....

After we took down all the Christmas decorations, I realized that my house felt a little empty...and cold.  So, while I was sitting on the couch under my tree (that does sound a little bit crazy!), thinking about what I could do, this is what I came up with...

 First of all, we had some glasses that were terrible to use.  Every time you poured liquid in them, it'd come out and spill all over unless you poured it at a snail's pace.  I was going to take them to Goodwill....instead, I've reused them here!
 Then, we got some wire...just thin, crafting wire (I'm not sure what gauge it is)
 Next, my handy-dandy husband used pliers to make holders for the glasses.
 I filled the bottom with sunflower seeds (my new go-to for using around candles in containers)
 And, voila!  Here they are!  It only took a few minutes to do each one, and minus the hand cramping, it was pretty easy.  Or rather, it looked easy (I didn't want to leave Art out of my creative process...he's so good to me!)
 When I hung them on the tree at first, they were too close to the branches, and we may have smelt something burning (oops!).  So, we rectified that by adding just a single long piece of wire to make the distance from the flame to the tree longer. 
The lighting's pretty bad in this picture, but I wanted to show the effect....it's quite lovely!

So, here's the lesson of the day:

candles + glasses + wire + tree + 5 minutes = great ambience