Friday, November 26, 2010

Scary Mom Makes A Visit

I decided the other day that it was time to decorate our home for Christmas.  So, last weekend, I pulled out all nine Rubbermaid containers (yup, I said 9!) of my Christmas/winter decor.  The day got off to a great start...and continued on with me doing all the garland and decorations except for the trees, which I needed Art to help me with.  He was out at a meeting all day, so when he came home, exhausted, I convinced him to help me just put up the trees so I could decorate the pre-lit one.  However, due life? got put off and put off until the next evening, which we were finally able to put up the lights on the non pre-lit tree.  I must put in a side note here to remind myself: Putting lights on Christmas trees makes both Art and I extremely cranky!  And what makes me even crankier is when we run out of lights, so that we need to wait another day to finish.  Question: How is is that we can run out of lights when we've been using the same lights for the last 4 years?!

Anyhow, all this to say, decorating my house for Christmas, with boxes strewn around everywhere, not being able to find my floor anywhere, makes for one scary mama!  Just ask Art.  Or my Girls.  Or my sister in law who was here as well.  Or my other girlfriend who stopped by to check on the progress.  Scary Mom did come out.... And she stayed for a few hours.... And then, praise the Lord, it was bedtime!

I was able to finish up my decorating on Monday night at about 11 pm, just in time to give my house (another) thorough clean because Art had clients coming to the house early Tuesday morning... Ahh, yes, the joys....

All this to tell you, I'm going to let y'all in on a (not so) little secret.  Here it is:  I could never be a hoarder.  I almost lost my sanity, having my house looking like a bomb went off in the middle of it for 4 whole days.  I don't know what it is, but truly, it makes me crazy.  Scary.  Afraid of myself..... But alas.  Now my house is clean.  And decorated.  With furniture all re-arranged.  And scary Mom is gone.  For the moment...maybe never to return?  One can wish, right?

1 comment:

lindakatee said...

Awww, the joys of decorating. Always worth the effort and a "Scarry Mom" My hubby did not help decorate, but he put it in the stand! With Christmas music playing,always a fun time, and reminiscing about where each item came from that was put on the tree. One of my very favorite ones is "two little chidren lying in a wooden bed" And how could I ever not like all the egg decorations I made by hand, from real egg shells! With tiny little decorations in them...from Angels, to the Nativity scene, to Santa, to Trees etc. One year, our tree fell over! The stand was too small! Well, we just picked up the tree, nothing broken ( amazing) and went out and purchased the biggest and best stand for a tree. I wonder if I was a "scarry mom" I suppose you would have to ask my hubby or kids. Enjoy the Christmas season.