Monday, March 14, 2011

New Shoes

I feel like all I do these days is buy Girls need to stop their feet from growing!  I suppose part of it is that they wear their shoes for longer, so they're usually not in the best of shape by the time they are ready to be handed down.  Anyhow, Molly informed me the other day that she "had to curl her toes for her shoes to fit", so when we were in the city, we stopped by the Sketcher's store.  Everything on sale was an additional 50% off (yay for Molly), so both her and Hannah picked up some new runners for $17 (regular price was $50, I think). 

Molly of course was so excited for a new pair of sparkly shoes... they are sitting on the end of her bed, and are the first thing she puts on in the morning.  Since we still have tons of snow, she hasn't been able to wear them outside yet, so they have been her "inside shoes". 

I just love a good sale, don't you?! These bad boys were well worth the money!

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