Friday, March 21, 2014

Good Gravy, It's Friday!

Hello, friends.  It's Friday today.  That in itself calls for a celebration.  In real life.  But here are some other reasons I have to celebrate:
1.  We swear by Bogs boots for our girls.  They are warm, waterproof, and wonderful.  This week, we went for a walk outside, in the glorious, spring-like weather, and by the time we were done walking, Molly had wrung out her socks about 4 times.  I'm not even exaggerating.  She had told me prior to our walk that her boots leaked, but, being the good mother that I am, I didn't believe her.  I thought maybe she had gotten snow in them?  Alas, I was wrong.  Again.  And I felt fairly terrible that her feet were so cold and wet after the long walk in the bush.  (Heck, her toes were like little raisins!)Now all of that isn't reason to celebrate, but this is:  I called the Bogs company, and explained the situation, that this is the second year for those boots, and they have holes.  The company asked me to send them a picture of the boots, and promptly responded by email.  They have a 100% satisfaction guarantee, and they are replacing her boots.  For free.  And I don't even have to pay for shipping.  Molly even got to choose, out of about 5 different styles, which boots she wanted.  So I say a big "Hooray!!" for the Bogs company.... you have won a long time customer because of this.
2.  We went for a long walk the other day.  It was warm and glorious and we saw deer and evidence of  Moose (read, Moose poop!), and Hannah found a deer antler.  We walked through a creek bed with snow past my knees and took our jackets off because it was so warm. 

3.  I mentioned earlier the spring-like weather we've been having, and it has been absolutely glorious this week.  Until yesterday, the first day of spring... when it was -10C with blowing, cold snow...and last night, when it got down to -20C.  But let's not dwell on that.  Let's instead remember, with fondness, the melting snow and jacket-free days we've had around these parts.
4.  After our walk, we had a bit of a picnic.  You read it correctly.  We had a picnic.  In the middle of March.  Glory be!  You can see the wet jeans (and toes!) that everyone had, but it was worth it, friends.  A great day, that's for sure!

5.  Have I mentioned yet that it's Friday?  That means two whole days of time with the ones I love the most: my family!  We have no plans, and ample time for relaxing and having some fun.   Hooray!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A Second (and Third) Surprise

On Saturday, the older girls are I were at our 4H district speeches, helping out (our club was hosting them).  In the middle of the day, I received a text from Art, with this picture:

It seems as though Abby's sheep had her lamb....s!  She had twins!  Abby was over the moon excited... and was so anxious for the speeches to be over so we could get home to see this face...

It's a good thing that our high temperature was around -30C on the weekend - perhaps the coldest days of the year?  Of course we're going to have lambs then.... doesn't it always work out like that?!  No  matter - the lambs are looking good, regardless.  Abby bundled up extra warm and has spent hours out there with her 2 little ladies.  She sings them to sleep, makes sure they're drinking and staying warm under the heat lamp.

She was pretty darn excited to see these lambs arrive - especially since waiting so (im)patiently for the last 3 weeks since Hannah's lamb was born.  And I am pretty darn excited for these twins because maybe, just maybe, I'll get to see some money back from this project?  Time shall tell...