I bought these old oil cans at an auction last summer, and they've been sitting around my garage for the last year, patiently waiting for me to make them into something useful. I've also had a lamp kit patiently waiting for me to use it. This past week, I (actually, my miracle working hubby) drilled some holes, added some silicone and made some magic. Here is the result!
I actually made 3 of these. Two of them are small, and I have a larger one. I've been searching the globe for lamp shades, and this one is (I think) a winner....unless I can find one I like better.
Each of these little ones went in one of The Girls' rooms, and the other large one went into our room. I have yet to find a shade that will work with the big one, but eventually, I'll find one!
Here's to re-using old junk!