Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Big Day

Today's a big day here.  A first, that's for sure.  Wanna hear it? 

Ok.  Well.....we got 10 eggs today.  Yup!  10!  We've been getting 5 consistently now for a while, so we knew that at least one of the "chicks" was laying.  But today, we got 10!  I was pretty excited!

And one of our crazy chickens keeps going missing, and then turning up.  We'll count 12 for a few days, and then, we'll count 13!  And don't say that I can't count....because I probably count four times just to make sure that I'm not miscounting.... so one of my little ladies is having a chicken adventure, that's for sure!

I am happy to report that the Girls (the chicken girls, that is) are doing well....they're (mostly) still alive, and doing well.  It'll be interesting to see how they do over the winter, but today?  Today, I got 10 eggs!

UPDATE:  I just went to tuck the (chicken) Girls into bed and there were 2 MORE eggs!!  That makes a full dozen, friends!  We're in the money now! :-)

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