Thursday, September 29, 2011

Warm Fuzzies

We've been working on a new project lately that has made our lives a little bit hairy!  Between that, and summer (when I try to cook/bake as little as possible!), I don't think that I've turned on my oven for a couple of months!  Last night, after the Girls were all tucked in, the house was cleaned up, and my work was done, I decided that I needed to change that.... so, I turned on the oven, uncovered my favorite brownie recipe beneath layer of dust, and baked away. 

It was the perfect night!  Fall has arrived, so the furnace was on, the candles were lit, I had some good music playing, it was quiet....perfection!

Let me tell you something that I've learned about myself over the years, friends.  I have learned that baking (not to be confused with cooking!!) is my therapy.  It's my happy place, where all is well in my world, where I can relax and just be.  It's much cheaper than therapy, and I have something tangible to show for my more relaxed state of mind!

So tonight, when we were eating our dessert, I thought to myself, "The baking drought is over!  My sanity is back!"  And it gave me warm fuzzies....and I'm sure my family will appreciate it too!

1 comment:

Mary said...

I am so with you. Baking is my happy place too. My problem is that I like to eat it and unlike you it goes straight to my hips. I have actually found some great new recipies lately. That is problably my favorite thing, to find new recipes to try and have them turn out great. I usually tweek the recipe to get it exactly the way I like it so it might take a few tries. My newest is a very simple chocolate pie. Yum, Yum. Bake for sanity, that's what I say and like you the family does not mind at all.