Thursday, December 17, 2009

Date Day

As some of you may know, we LOVE tradition. And (another) one of our traditions is that every year, we farm out The Girls for a day (usually to Auntie Frieda), and take a Saturday in December to start AND (hopefully) finish our shopping. We go for dinner after the task, and just enjoy a day together....alone. Well, we headed out on Saturday for our date. We took the truck, since we wanted to leave the van for Frieda. We had some EXTREMELY cold weather on the weekend, and when we got home, this was the temperature.....

So excited to be going out for a whole day....!

We like to leave in the morning, right after we`ve all had breakfast and gotten ready. At 10:43 am, our freedom started.....

When we left in the morning, here`s the temperature....

For dinner, we went to our favorite steak house, for our company Christmas party
(yup, just the 2 of us!)
Here`s my handsome man.....starving and waiting for dinner...

When we got home, at 10:10 pm....after 12 hrs. of freedom!

And here`s how tired Art was by the end!
We did complete our mission, and got all of our Christmas shopping done.
Thanks again, Auntie Frieda!

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