Monday, July 12, 2010

Under My Skin

Why is it that when I am with these ladies a lot, I want to get away.  And yet when I am away from them, all I want to do is see these little faces?  They make me crazy at times, yet I cannot get enough?!  We go out for dinner, and all we do is talk about them, their funny mannerisms or the giftings that we see God has given them....Our hopes for them for the future, and our concerns about them for the present... I love these little ladies so much, these little packages, these gifts from the Lord...
They make me smile.....they make me scared.....
They make me laugh....they make me cry......
They make me think that I can never do enough to prepare them for their future....
I feel incomplete when they are not all at home with me.....What is it about them that gets under my skin?

"I've got you under my skin....
I've got you deep in the heart of me....
So deep in my heart that you're really a part of me
I've got you under my skin...."

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