Monday, August 8, 2011

Oh My!

Well, we made it home from BC...again, to be greeted by many, many, MANY mosquitoes and weeds and long grass and raspberries that needed to be picked and animals that needed some love.  But we made it.  We survived.  And now, the work begins!  And I am reminded, once again, that I cannot be gone for so long in the summer.  It's something that I think every year, once we have come home.  And I must remember this time.  I must!

I haven't even had a chance to put my pictures on my computer, or get all of my gardens weeded..... But I've started.  The Girls and I spent 8 hours weeding the vegetable garden.  8 long, dirty, hot, mosquito infested hours.  But it is done.  And I have the callouses and mosquito bites to prove it!  I finally broke down and sprayed repellent on me and the Girls, but I must've forgotten my ankles, because I probably have 40 bites on each ankle.  I look like I have some kind of nasty rash or scurvy or's quite attractive!

So, friends, that's why I've been absent in my blogging.  Aren't you jealous?!  The offer stands for anyone to come on long as you bring some gloves and help me pull weeds!  :-)

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