Friday, September 9, 2011

The Joys of Homeschooling

While we had a fairly terrible summer weather wise this year (we were the mosquito capital of Canada!), it seems like summer has finally arrived....just in time to leave.  This week we've had record temperatures, and so while everyone else is in school, sweating through the 30 degree days, yesterday, we went to the river to sweat through the day!

There were only a few other people there, which was lovely, and though the water was....refreshing (to say the least!), and we watched some leaves that had already fallen float by us, The Girls and I had a great afternoon!

While we were enjoying the day, I thought to myself...."THIS, is one of the reasons why we homeschool!!"

 I will have to remind myself of this moment later on in the year, when I am about to pull out my hair, but that will be another story....and another post!

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