Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Well, I finally put my pictures from the summer onto my computer (all 316 of them!), so now, I be able to show y'all our summer...I know, I know, you can hardly wait!!

Don't worry....I won't do them all in one post!

I'll start current and work my way back...maybe....

So this past weekend, was the first weekend that's we've been home, with no company, and the weather has been decent to work on the yard.  So, we had a great day Saturday working on the Girls' playhouse (they finally have a door!), cleaning out the garage, cutting down some trees... you know, the fun stuff!  Then, in the evening, we had some friends over for a wiener roast.  It was such a fantastic day!

Sunday, after meeting for lunch and ice cream, we headed with friends out to a local corn maze for an afternoon of getting lost. It was the first time the Girls and I had been, and it was good fun!

The corn was nice and high, the sun was shining....it was beautiful!  We let the kids take turns leading the way - even the little ones, and they all enjoyed trying to find the way to the next marker.  I think we walked about 2 kms., and it took us about an hour to make it out.  At one point, there was bridge overlooking the corn maze, which covers about 15 acres.  It was crazy to see how long we'd been walking but how close we still were to the farm yard!

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