Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Good Flick....or Two

My mom is here visiting, and we've taken the opportunity to watch a couple of flicks....and I have a recommendation. The other night, we ordered The Secret Life of Bees on pay per view, and I must say, friends, it was a good one! I would definitely recommend it to you! I cried like a baby, and it inspired me. It made me think about how I see people, and if I really see them. It made me want to be discerning and wise, grace-giving and kind. I would definitely watch it again!

Last night was a first for us. We took all the Girls (and Mom) to the theatre, and saw Monsters vs. Aliens. I wasn`t expecting it to be so great, but it was very entertaining. The Girls thought that the theatre was pretty exciting....and Ellie Mae actually sat happily through the entire movie (good thing she LOVES TV....and we bribed her with popcorn!). It was a great night out with the family. We sat in the second row from the front (there were no other seats!), so the monsters were ginormous! The only downer was that when we got out of the theatre, we looked outside and it was like a BLIZZARD outside....snowing like crazy. Happy Spring, people! I love Alberta....

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