Monday, April 6, 2009

Something new

Here is a picture of something new....for me. Something I've never had new before, but rather, had everyone's hand-me-down's. It's fun and pink (well, pomagranate, really....isn't that fitting?)and pretty. I can text with it, which I don't really do, but who knows....maybe I will start....because I can! It's a phone on the outside, and then you open it and it's a keyboard on the inside. I love it! It's cool and I feel like I am 'at one' with technology....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's nice that you embrace technology...I, on the other hand, have no cell phone (for texting or talking!), and not really any desire for one. I'm one of those who hasn't joined this century yet...maybe you could help me....:)