Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

Today is Father's Day.  A day to celebrate the men in our lives.  We had a quiet, relaxing morning at home....we lounged in bed with the Girls, relaxed, playing with our "technology".  We enjoyed being together...physically, but yet just relaxing.  No conversations, no talking, just being.  And not that I would recommend that all the time, but sometimes it's nice, just to be together.

The Girls made Father's Day cards for Art, and as he read them, with everyone crowded around him, I watched as tears ran down his face.  And I am so thankful for this gentle, soft man who is the father of my daughters.  I hope that they learn from him that it's alright for a man to show his emotion, to be caught up in a moment of love, that it's alright to cry.  That it's not actually a sign of weakness, but rather, of strength.  And humility.  And love.  And grace.  And thankfulness.

We then did our regular Sunday routine trip to "Wendy's"....(where everybody knows our name!), and now, we have scattered for some "alone time" (aka. "Sanity time") before we'll converge on the couch and hang out.  Watch a movie.  Enjoy the fact that it's raining (again!) so we can sit, guilt free, together and just "be".  I like these people whom I call my family.  I like to be in their presence, with no expectations, where we can "be".  I am thankful.  And blessed.   Happy Father's Day, all!

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