Friday, June 24, 2011

Semi-Extreme Couponing

I don't know if you have watched that new(er) show on TLC called Extreme Couponing, but we have a couple of times, and let me tell you, it's crazy amazing!  I am fairly certain that we don't have coupons like that in Canada, but I did have my own little "Semi-extreme couponing" moment.  The other day, I was out for a walk, and there were a bunch of red papers littered all over the road.  Let me remind you....we live in the country.  This isn't something we see much of (papers, at least.  People dump stuff on our country roads all the time, like tv's and mattresses and other crap that they're too lazy and/or cheap to take to the dump!).  So, I stopped to take a look.  And this is what I found....
A bunch of coupons!!

 I, of course, picked every single one of them up (or so I thought, but I found one that I missed the next day), and brought them home.  There were 25 in total!  The coupons were for one free 2L bottle of any coca-cola product.  Crazy!!  We talked about going to the corner store to buy them all, just to get the most for our money (since it would cost way more at a corner store), but then figured that they wouldn't appreciate us buying up most of their stock of this product!  So, off to Wal-Mart to redeem our coupons.  I must say, the cashier was less than happy about it, but really....who cares!!
We came home, and I lines these ladies up on a shelf in my storage room.  Don't they look pretty?!  So, the moral of this story is..... it pays to exercise....and pick up garbage on the road!

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