Tuesday, February 7, 2012

It's A Great Day to Be Alive...

It has been unseasonably warm and wonderful here in Alberta.  The snow is melting, the birds are chirping...it feels like Spring!  I know, however, that Spring is far from arriving, but I'll take these days when I can. 

Sunday, I headed out to the barn, and, with a friend, we took a little trail ride over to a neighboring farm and back.  On the way there, we rode beside the fence line, and on the way back, threw the fields.  It was beautiful outside, and sitting on the back of a horse, it was a blissful afternoon!

It's a good thing that we went on Sunday, though, because our warm weather is gone - yesterday's high was -9C I think!

Yesterday, Art was supposed to have his riding lesson.  This is how I know that the Girls are excited to go to the barn....

One of them had brought in all our boots, to warm up.  I love seeing them all lined up there!  Ellie Mae is the only one now without spurs on her boots.... and she's been talking about getting some.  Too cute!

Last night, we ended up just riding, instead of Art having a lesson, which was just as fun!  I doubled the little Girls for a bit - Ellie Mae wanted to lope, of course, and "go faster".  It amazes me that she has no fear at all of these HUGE animals!  It's been a great couple of days here....

1 comment:

Mary said...

Glad to see the crankies have passed. The boots lined up are too cute. Which girl did it or was it all of them. We too have had beautiful weather with the sun shining and 10-12 degrees outside. We have gone for a few walks just to be outside and opened all the windows for a few hours to freshen the house. It is great!!