Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day

Yesterday, we had lots of fun celebrating Valentine's Day with the Girls.  We started out with a treasure hunt for them to find a little present I'd picked out many, many moons ago.... We actually were going to give this to them at Christmas, but decided that they had enough then, and waited until Valentine's Day.  I was so excited to see them in these cute shirts!

I made monkey bread for breakfast, a recipe I found on my beloved Pinterest!  I'm not gonna was pretty delicious!

Then, after breakfast and school, we headed out to the barn for an afternoon ride.  The Girls looked awfully cute dressed all western in their pink shirts! 

When we were driving home, this is the sight we got to see...the sunset was incredible!

We had some dinner with Art at his office (romantic, I know....) and then headed home for showers and bed.  After the Girls went to bed, Art and I watched some tv, and then I looked out our kitchen window and saw the Northern Lights.  They were AMAZING!  It's been so long since I've seen them, and they were out in their full glory, so we woke up the Girls to see them.  It was an excellent day of spending time with my family, loving these Little Ladies.

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