Friday, February 3, 2012

Something Old....

After we took down all the Christmas decorations, I realized that my house felt a little empty...and cold.  So, while I was sitting on the couch under my tree (that does sound a little bit crazy!), thinking about what I could do, this is what I came up with...

 First of all, we had some glasses that were terrible to use.  Every time you poured liquid in them, it'd come out and spill all over unless you poured it at a snail's pace.  I was going to take them to Goodwill....instead, I've reused them here!
 Then, we got some wire...just thin, crafting wire (I'm not sure what gauge it is)
 Next, my handy-dandy husband used pliers to make holders for the glasses.
 I filled the bottom with sunflower seeds (my new go-to for using around candles in containers)
 And, voila!  Here they are!  It only took a few minutes to do each one, and minus the hand cramping, it was pretty easy.  Or rather, it looked easy (I didn't want to leave Art out of my creative process...he's so good to me!)
 When I hung them on the tree at first, they were too close to the branches, and we may have smelt something burning (oops!).  So, we rectified that by adding just a single long piece of wire to make the distance from the flame to the tree longer. 
The lighting's pretty bad in this picture, but I wanted to show the's quite lovely!

So, here's the lesson of the day:

candles + glasses + wire + tree + 5 minutes = great ambience

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