Thursday, March 1, 2012

Another Birthday

February is our month for birthday's... the shortest month of the year, and we have 3!  My baby celebrated her 5th birthday.  I can hardly believe it....she's 5 already!  Where does the time go?!

The day started out with her birthday breakfast...blintz souffle, which our go to for Christmas morning.  It tasted just as good on her birthday!

 Then, presents followed that.  The Girls wanted to buy her spurs, which she was very excited about!  "Now, everyone in our family has spurs....except Auntie Frieda!" is what she said.
 She also got some clothes for her American Girl, Bitty Baby
 Here's her boots with the spurs on.  Needless to say, she's very excited to go to the barn and wear them!
 After a day filled with playing, (and driving downtown, to take care of some business), it was time for dinner, which Auntie Frieda joined us for.  Ellie Mae's choice?  Waffles!
 I like to load my waffle up....
 Ellie Mae's cake choice?  Rainbow cake with the "snow".  It was 4 layers, and was a tad bit lopsided.  I think I'm losing my touch!

 I was a little unsure on how much food coloring to use in the layers, but it ended up looking pretty cool when we cut it open.  And the taste made up for the was yummy!
I must admit, every time one of the Girls has a birthday, I get a little teary eyed, thinking about how they are growing up, getting older.... I realize that it's a part of life, and I am loving this season of life, but really?  Does it have to happen so fast?!

This baby of ours loves to laugh.  A lot.  She's the jokster of the family.  She loves her sisters dearly, and she loves to cuddle (I think that's a prerequisite for the baby!).  She cute....and smart (as she likes to remind us), and cheeky.  She loves to hang out at the barn, and one of her most favorite people is her Auntie Frieda.  She loves going to Awana, and tries really, really hard to keep up with her sisters.  Most days, she does pretty good!  She also will put herself to bed if she's tired.  She's my baby, and we love her....a lot!

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