Wednesday, March 14, 2012


For those of you who know me well, you know that I consider baking to be one of my forms of therapy...

For those of you who know me well, you know that I do lots of baking....

For those of you who know me well, you know that I need lots of therapy....

Last week, I was feeling the need for some therapy.  So, I decided to do some baking.  When I was away for the weekend with my Mom and sister, at breakfast, they had these great little lemon cranberry scones.  I had been craving them, because they were so good (A few of them may have made it into my purse for an afternoon snack.  Yup, I just admitted it....!), and I thought, "Hey!  I can make those!"

I found my recipe for scones, which my Mom gave me, and her Mom gave her, and set out to make some yumminess.  I made two batches, one plain, and the other one, lemon cranberry.  They turned out quick delicious, if I don't say so myself!

 As you can see, I didn't make them little....I made a big circle and cut them into seemed like a little less work, and I was kinda feeling lazy. 

This is how I grew up eating scones....with jam and whipping cream on top....
I think they were a hit with the Girls too.... Really, how can you go wrong?!


Mary said...

Lemon cranberry scones are a favorite of mine. If you feel you need therapy while we are over (which I'm sure you will) feel free to bake.

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