Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Joyful In Hope

Well, not too much going on over here other than the regular-ness of life.  The mid-winter blah has kinda set in in our home, and I find myself looking oh, so forward to spring....which is still 3 months away! 
I've been thinking on this verse over the past week...

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer.
Rom. 12:12
And I've realized that this pretty much covers most life situation.  I have a choice to be impatient and cranky while I'm looking towards circumstances or situations.  I can choose bitterness during times of affliction.  I can think only about myself, and not remember the One who's brought me through so much.  OR, I can choose a higher way, and better path....for myself and my family.  I can choose joy.  And let me tell you, friends, my choice makes all the difference in the world.  My attitude and mindset sets the stage for everyone around me. 
Not that I have an awful lot of affliction going on these days, but there will come a day, of this I know for certain, when I face trials.  And so, today, I will choose to try and be faithful, patient and joyful.  Because the choices I make today affect my life tomorrow.  And if I choose these good things today, hopefully, when the really tough stuff comes along, I will be so conditioned to be these things - joyful, patient and faithful, that it'll be a no brainer.  And it'll make my journey a little bit smoother.  At least, that's the plan... 

1 comment:

Mary said...

You go girl! It is so true. As mothers especially whatever mood we choose, I find, the rest of the household tends to follow. It is not always easy but I also try to choose joy, peace and contentment, not always successfully. Today though I choose joy.