Saturday, June 7, 2008

The cult

We've had this running mockery going on in our house for a little while now, about a little thing that I enjoy called Facebook. Art's been mocking me for months about it, telling me it's a waste of time and just plain dumb. Well, sucker, he's finally been reeled in! Last night, he joined. And man, is he hooked! He was up until 2:15 am messing around with it. I showed him the ropes, and he was off! Yup, it's true....he has now finally joined the Facebook cult. So, if you are on Facebook, 'poke' him (which you can't do anymore, he just kept saying he wanted to 'poke' everyone). I told him he'd love it....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Same thing with Chris! Now he's on more than me :)