Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Tonight, Art and I were chatting in our room while Molly went to the bathroom. She called me to tell me she was done, and I, not realizing that she needed some 'ass'istance, kept on talking to Art. After a good couple of minutes, we realized that Molly was talking, talking, talking, talking to herself. Continuously. So, we crept a little closer to listen to what this little chatter box was talking about. And this is what we hear, over and over, mixed in with other things, "And......cue music!"

Now let me explain. We have been watching the So You Think You Can Dance auditions on TV, religiously, with the girls. Obviously, they are picking up some vocabulary from it! Now, when she is ready to dance, she'll know what to say!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Nigel! Malcolm has become quite a little interpretive dancer because of that show - he really thinks he's got some good moves!