Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Fruit from the Gas Station?

I forgot to blog about this, and it's kinda funny. The other day, Art was filling up the truck with gas (don't get me started on what that cost!). Beside him, a man pulled up in a truck, and in the box of the truck were boxes and boxes of fruit...peaches, cherries, apricots, blueberries... I asked Art to ask him if he was selling it, and he had been selling it at a country market. He asked us if we wanted any, and I of course said "Youbecha!". We found all the money that we could in all the crevices of the truck, and I got a ton of cherries and 6 peaches and apricots. The fruit was from Ossoyous, so it was very yummy. It was a good stop for us - gas and fresh fruit. Who knew?

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