Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I love...

Summer! I LOVE summer! Yesterday, I had to go to the city for a little bit of retail therapy with a friend, and I ended up finding some new bedding for Molly's new room (another time...). Anyhow, I got home and Art BBQ'd dinner, and we ended up having an extra 7 people for dinner. However, IT'S SUMMER. It doesn't matter how many people are here eating....I simply go to my garden and pick some lettuce and veggies for dinner, and get Art to throw the meat on the BBQ. I LOVE summer! It's just seems easier, somehow. And then, we had one of our favorite cream topped with....anything. My current favorite topping is fudgee o's and chocolate sauce. Yummy. Other classics toppings at our house include: raspberries (freshly picked, of course!), caramel sauce, chocolate topping that hardens (just like dairy queen), and lastly, but definately not least...Bailey's. That's Art's favorite. Ice cream with anything plus Bailey's. Good times are rollin' at the Goerzen's!

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