Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I find myself taking more risks these days. Whether it be financially, relationally, emotionally..... and it's a good thing. I want to be able to "put myself out there", to invest in the lives of those around me. I want to be honest and full of faith and walk in integrity in all my dealings. So I try to risk. Sometimes, it bombs, but sometimes, the return on the "risk investment" is amazing....a relationship taken to a new level, walking through more inner healing.... you know, good stuff!

When I ask myself, "Is it worth the risk?", I want to be able to assess if it is or is not worth it. Hopefully, I have the discernment and wisdom and faith to see clearly, and if I need to, to be able to take a risk. Do I take enough risks? Probably not. But am I trying? I think so....

At the end of the day, I need to remember that all that I have, in all faucets of my life, are gifts given by God. And so, why would I want to hoard? Maybe my 'risks' are, in fact, just learning to steward what God has given to me. Hmmmm....

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