Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How many hats?

It's Monday morning (not right now, but you know what I mean...), and I am driving to a restaurant in town to meet a few friends to celebrate a birthday, and I start to wonder...."How many hats do I wear?"

After having a couple of weeks "off" (and I do use that term loosely!), it was the first morning back. Back to....everything! We started school in the morning, and in the midst of that, the phone is ringing, my cell phone is ringing, the little girls are looking for some love, the bigger girls are looking for some help with school, Art is needing some stuff done for the business, I need to clean up and start on the (never ending) pile of laundry, and most of all, I just want a shower! I drive for a quick lunch, and then we have a meeting here for the business, and it just goes on and on. I have forgotten, after a few short weeks, how many hats I wear in a day. And until I get into the swing of things, I will feel a bit overwhelmed, spread thin, frustrated, and (hopefully not too) impatient. And, of course, incompetent.

I've forgotten the hats that normally accompany me: mother, friend, sister, daughter, bookkeeper, advisor, teacher, cleaner, baker, name a few. I start to yearn for another day, when I will have more than 10 minutes to myself (in the shower, when I lock the door). However, when that day comes, I will most likely be sad for days like today.... So I continue on, trying my best to balance my life and the things that are important with the things that need to get done.....

1 comment:

Shawna said...

HUGS...from a friend who understands how many "hats" there are...