Saturday, March 5, 2011

Big Mistake!

I made a mistake the other day.  Well, I know that I made more than one, and it happens every day.... but I am choosing to tell you about a particular mistake.

It had been so long, and I had been so good, but we were at the mall.  And we were walking by Anthropologie.  And I walked in.  And I fell in love.....with this:

It looks like an old milk bottle (kinda)....
 but it's actually measuring cups!!  It has 1/4, 1/3, 1/2 and 1 c. measures!

Cool, right?  Well, I didn't buy it, but I've been dreaming about it ever since.  I may just have to go back and pick it up for myself... My only concern is that is may get chipped.  But here's what I think (well, kinda, but I'm trying to justify purchasing it, so I don't know how valid my point is!).  I'll keep it on my counter top to look pretty (and pretty it will look!), and I will be the only one that uses it.  I won't let my Little Ladies touch it.  Ever!  You think?  I think....

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