Monday, November 28, 2011


As much as I dislike having a sick child in my home, there are a few benefits:
  1. A valid excuse to stay in my jammies all day (not that I need an excuse, but well, you know...)
  2. A valid excuse to cuddle on the couch or in my bed all day, watching movies or cartoons, in my jammies
  3. Lots and lots of cuddling
  4. I don't have to cook, because I've been cuddling and watching tv all day.  Priorities, people!
  5. Another valid excuse to have a nap 
  6. Ginger Ale.  Canada Dry (the only ginger ale made with real ginger!).  Yummy!
  7. A valid excuse to sleep in, because I've been up with a puking kid for hours at night
So Molly was up, puking Saturday night (why does it always have to be at night, I ask?!), so Sunday, her and I stayed home and cuddled, slept, watched tv, and read books.  It was glorious, because the puking was over, and she was just running a fever, not feeling quite up to snuff.  So as much as having a sicko around isn't cool, some of the benefits are.  Here's hoping she doesn't pass it around.... I know, I know, good luck with that!

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