Saturday, December 3, 2011


I received a present this week, from one of my daughters.  I think she just wanted to share with me what she was feeling.  This present was also given to one of my other daughters.  My other daughter didn't get the gift like I did - rather, just a fraction of what I received.

"What is the gift?" You may be asking.  Here's a hint.

The gift made me puke.  All.  Night.  Long.

Molly passed on her flu bug to both Hannah & I, but fortunately, Hannah didn't have the puking part of it.  Just me.  Nice.

So, what plans I had for the rest of this week went down the toilet (no pun intended!), and I slept and puked and slept and puked and then slept some more....

Thankfully, I woke up this morning feeling a bit better...stomach still a bit tender, but at least I'm not quite as miserable as yesterday!

I must say, I was fairly proud of my Girls.... I was in my bed pretty much all day yesterday, and Hannah was sacked out on the couch, and Abby stepped it up and got the little Girls breakfast and lunch, they did their school and played all day... didn't come up to my room once to wake me up.  Abby even tucked in the little Girls for their naps.  I was impressed!

I think I was awake for a total of 6 hrs. yesterday, so I'm definitely caught up on my sleep! 

Unfortunately, Art & I were supposed to do our Christmas shopping today, sans kids (his sister always takes them for a Saturday in December so we can all our shopping), but that has been postponed until next weekend...Hopefully no one else receives this gift!

1 comment:

stephanie said...

How nice of her to share! Hope you feel better soon!