Friday, December 16, 2011

Another One

We had another puker yesterday.  My baby....poor thing.  I woke up to one of the Girls running into our room and saying, "Ellie Mae is puking in the sink!".  Seriously?  I suppose I should be thankful that it wasn't the middle of the night...

So, after puking, we cuddled for a while on the couch....*bliss*

I had a full day planned, but had to cancel everything... I didn't think it was fair to drag my lethargic 4 year old all over the place....and instead, while Ellie Mae slept on the couch, me and the other Girls baked.  And baked.  And baked some more.  It was truly fantastic! 

Today, Ellie Mae is on the mend, I am happy because I have the majority of my Christmas baking done, and it's Friday.  Seriously.  Can the day get any better?!

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