Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Best....

My Mom was here early November for a short visit (and yes, I'm way behind!).  While she was here, I asked her if she would teach me to make perogies. 

In our home, we consume many, many, MANY perogies.  However, I've never made them.  Ever.  My grandma used to make them, my Mom used to make them when we were kids, but I've never made them.  It's part of our heritage.  It's a necessity.  It's something I must know how to do. 

When we go to the coast, or have family come and visit, we stock up on cottage cheese perogies (bought at your local grocery store there!), but here, we've had to make due with potato and cheddar perogies from (gasp!) Costco.  But not any more!

 Since I didn't even have a perogie maker, my Mom popped into town to the kitchen store, and they had the greatest.  invention. ever!  Hunky Bill's perogie maker!  It was so great!  Gone are the days of making 2 perogies at a time!  With this little piece of heaven, you roll out a big piece of dough and spread it over the maker, fill it with cottage cheese, and then roll out another piece and put it on top.  Genius, I tell you!
Thank you, hunky Bill!!  You're the best!

We made perogies all afternoon one day, and then I begged to make more the next day, so I could stock pile them in my freezer (and I had an extra set of useful hands to help!)....

This is Art's most favorite meal in the whole wide world.  Needless to say, I was the best wife/Mom ever, when we had perogies and farmer sausage for dinner 2 nights in a row.... I think we made 12 dozen perogies, which will last my family about 5 meals.  And then, my Mom should be here visiting again, so maybe she'll help again?  Pretty please, Mom?!

On a side note, my Grandma once told me that to feed her family one meal, she would make about 100 perogies for them.  It would take her all.  day.  long.  And then?  They'd be gone in about 10 minutes.  If I think about that too long, it makes me want to cry....

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