Sunday, February 7, 2010

That Fateful Day...

So, many of you have been asking about the pictures I recently posted on Facebook...and asking for the story behind these pictures. So, here it is...
It was a cool, fall day. The day of the woodworking show in Edmonton. We had a friend here from out of town, who was looking for some tools. And of course, Art is ALWAYS looking for tools. So, we made a date (sort of) of it, with Art's sister watching the Girls, and headed off into the sunset....and to the Agricom. I was probably one of the few women at the Woodworking Show (surprise, surprise)! Our friend, who shall remain nameless. Actually, no. His name is Stuart. We love him. Anyhow, he wanted to buy a drill. So, he picked out a Makita drill. While talking to the Makita rep, we were joking around, and I told him that we needed something for Art. Maybe a free drill? He said no, but ended up throwing in a 130 pcs. drill piece set (I think). But of course, then Stu felt left out, and he HAD bought the drill, so we got him to throw in another set. By that time, we had drawn a bit of a crowd (the Bosch booth was right next door), so we kept joking with them that they were coming there next! We paid for the drill, and got the free stuff, and then I remembered: I hadn't gotten anything! So, he threw a sweatshirt at me, and told us to "Get out!".
After that, we headed over to the Bosch booth. Art was buying a portable table saw, and we got them to throw in a cordless drill, a bunch of jigsaw blades, a hole saw, and then they gave us the fantastic clothing that you saw modelled...and hats, of course! The very funny thing about this whole story, is that the next day, when Art went to go and pick up his booty (not bum...buttload of stuff), the Bosch rep asked, "Where's Teresa?"
"Teresa, my WIFE?", answered Art.... "She's at home with our children."
"Well, here's at $50 gas card for her..."
When Art and our friend Stu got home, we were looking at the beautiful apparel, and thought that we should try it on, and send pictures of us proudly wearing the Bosch gear to the Bosch rep. It was our way of showing them.....not cool, people, not cool!

PS. Notice the ugly, old decor?! SO GLAD we remodeled!

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