Monday, October 4, 2010


So what did y'all do this past weekend?  Wanna hear what we did?  Well, I spent the whole, entire weekend outside looking for this:
We even had one of these to help
We had friends over Friday night, and Art was taking some pictures of them.  I was his handy assistant, and at one point, I gathered up some leaves to throw for the pictures.  After I threw the leaves, I put my hand in my pocket and realized that my ring was missing.... So we started to look right away.  Nothing.  Then, the guys went and bought a metal detector to help us look, which we spent the rest of the weekend doing.  Nothing.  Bah!!  These is nothing more frustrating than looking for something that is lost.  We took apart our entire house, looked in every drawer, fridge, freezer, garbage....and still cannot find my wedding rings.  I feel fairly sick about it!  However, now that we've looked....and looked....and looked....I've started to ask God for a miracle, and for my ring to just "show up" somewhere....Please!


stephanie said...

I'll pray too. God can do amazing things!

Mark & Katie said...

I once was washing a friend's van and while vacuuming out the trunk I heard something clink up the hose... I turned off the vacuum immediately, shook the hose, and out fell her missing wedding ring. I had no idea it was missing and just found it by accident.
