Wednesday, October 27, 2010

"...What it means to be a woman..."

Last night, I went with a few friends to see the movie, "Secretariat".  Wow....loved it!  There was so much to pull out of that movie....many things that I will ponder over the next few weeks.

One of the lines I loved was when the main character, Penny, was reunited with her hubby after being apart for some time (she was with the horse, going to different races, and he was at home with the kids and his job).  He said something to the effect of, "You have taught our daughters things I could've never taught them.  You've taught them what it means to be a woman..."

I love that!  As I am raising my own daughters, I find myself thinking (often at inopportune times!) what it is I want to impart to them.  What it is I what them to know...about themselves, about what being a woman means, about who God is.  All of these things play into the daily interactions that I have with these four little ladies.  I want them to know that they are loved - both by their Mom and Dad and by God.  I want them to know that God has given each of them different dreams and aspirations...He's created them to be unique.  I want them to be confident in who they are in Christ.  This, ultimately, is the most important thing that I can teach them, because, I believe, if they know that....really know it, then who they are will stem from that.  Behaviors can be altered, but it's these things that are so important to get into their spirits.

I have so many more thoughts on this, and could go on and on, but my glamorous life of being a woman is calling..."Dinner is ready!"

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