Monday, May 5, 2008

One Great Weekend!

We had a fabulous weekend here! Here are 5 reasons why is was fantastic:

1. Our first weiner roast of the season. We had a friend join us, and it was fantastic. The only thing missing was marshmallows. Seriously, I had everything for s'mores except the marshmallows. Next time I will be more prepared!

2. Presents. Our friend, "Miss Rhonda" (as she is affectionately known to the Girls) came over and brought a plethora of gifts for us from her trip to Ireland. Seriously, a plethora. Probably the greatest gift was that of her sharing a bit about her trip. She even brought some of the fun stuff that she had bought for herself and told us the stories behind them. It was excellent!

3. Outdoor furniture. For many years, I have wanted a patio set so that we can eat out on our beautiful deck. We finally bought one (only 8 years later!!), as well as a canopy so that we can screen it in when the mosquitos get bad - Thanks Grandma!!

4. Naps. I got to nap both Saturday and Sunday, and let me tell you, they were humdingers!! Both were most excellent, although if I had to choose, I would say Sunday's was a tad better, since I woke up and could not get up. That is the sign of a true nap.

5. Baseball. Now, this isn't really my thing, but rather, Art's. But it's still fun. Art has joined a slowpitch church league, and they had their first practice yesterday (while I napped!). Our friend, Mike, has organized it all (Thanks, Mike!). They play every Wednesday night for the summer. I think that they will probably not be so good, based on Art's description of yesterday, however, I am most certain that they will have a pile of fun. And they will probably have the best fans of the league!

So, there you have it, the makings of a great weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey girl! How long have you been reading my blog without a single comment? Whatever, I'm just glad you're back in the blog world (I remember your last effort - I kept checking for something...nothing:) ) Anyways, now that I know you're here, I will be a faithful reader, and hopefully commenter, because I know how encouraging it is to know that someone is actually reading what you're writing!