Thursday, May 1, 2008

Ahhh....quiet time!

I love this time of day. The little girls are napping, and Art took the older 2 girls to swimming lessons (Hannah went in the deep pool with a life jacket last week and didn't even 'freak out'!). So, here I sit, in the quiet. Dinner is already taken care of, and I have nothing pressing to do except sit and relax and maybe look at the latest copy of my Country Home magazine that came in the mail yesterday.

I find that one of the things that grinds me down the most in my life as a mother of 4 is the constant noise. I am sure that if it wasn't there, I would ache for it, but somedays, I long for some quiet time alone. So, I will go and sit in the quiet, listening to the birds sing, and my refridgerator hum.

Stink! Art just called and needs me to do something for him.....bye, bye quiet time!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I understand completely :)