Thursday, June 17, 2010

Garage Sale Drought

I have a route.  I call it the "Garage Sale Route".  We take the main highway, secondary highway(s) and some country roads.  Normally, my route doesn't let me down.  There have been many a treasure found along this route.  Lately, however, the route has let me down.  There is a drought here....a garage sale drought. 

Can I just say, "Please...people....especially seniors who have lived on your farms for 60+ yrs.... can you just let me into your outbuildings?!  Please?  I promise I will give your junk treasure a very happy home....I will love it and respect it, for better or for worse.  If it's worse, I'll probably just paint it...."

It's been a dry season, friends....a very dry season.  Here's hoping it's gonna get better!

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