Thursday, April 14, 2011


Two weeks ago, we met my parents in Calgary for the weekend (more on that another day)... Since we are heading back there for the memorial service this weekend, I am hoping to make another visit to this place...
Bass Pro of my most favorite stores in the world. Not that I buy anything there, but I like to just walk around and look at all the vignettes they've created. It's amazing. And since we won't have our children, thanks to Art's sister who's going to take them for the weekend, we can spend as much time as we want there. My sister is flying into town tonight, and then she's driving down to Calgary with us, so that we get some extra time together, and maybe we'll take her...since she's never been there before. It's always fun to see it with "virgin eyes"....

Enjoy your weekend, friends.  Hug your family a little tighter...

1 comment:

Jeul said...

I can't afford to buy anything from Bass Pro Shop either but we love to check it out. It's a really neat environment. If you haven't been to there for Christmas bundle up the kids next year and take them. They always have an awesome winter wonderland theme going on and arts and crafts for the kids to do.