Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Celebration

We got back from Calgary (again), Sunday night....completely exhausted.  We had a great, terrible, tragic, exhausting, fun filled, emotional weekend with my extended family.  On Saturday, the Celebration of Life was held for my aunt.  Here's my uncle (her husband), who showed up in a tux because it was to be a celebration
 He had such a great attitude, and I watched him as he comforted people, continually saying things like, "She's in heaven know.  She is dancing with Jesus!"
 Here's all the siblings...
 and their wives (minus aunt)
 Art got confused a number of times for "one of the brothers", and someone asked him if he was John.  So that was one of the jokes of the weekend.  Here's John and "John Jr."
 It was also my uncle John's birthday on Saturday.  We bought him a shirt that read, "I went camping and burnt my wiener..."  with a picture of a guy and a hot dog stick....  Obscene, I know, but it was good for a big laugh, which was good for the soul.  He also got in an accident that night - probably not his favorite birthday, but maybe one of his most memorable ones!
And when we weren't visiting, we were playing games....of course!  Because this is what my family does.  Laugh and cry and play games....

It was great to see some family I haven't seen in years, and remember a life of a woman who loved the Lord.  We laughed, we cried, we laughed some was good.

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