Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Another First

On Friday, I had another first...of the season....a Garage Sale. Yup, Garage Sale Season has started, and I am so excited! I saw an ad in the paper, and so the Girls and I went on a little drive. We found 3 garage sales - all of which were in the country, and 2 of which were great. The first one was at a farm (yipee!! Always my first choice), and I found this old tool chest there that the farmer's father had made. I think that I will use it for flowers. Or decoration. Or as a gathering place for all my junk. We'll see... Cost? $5

 On to the next garage sale, where I found this cute little chair for the little girls room, as well as a fun muffin tin. Total cost? $4 And some gas, which really isn't cheap these days! But oh well...it was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, we had some "Girl Coffee" to drink, and it was a great day for a drive in the country.

Here's to a great season of garage sales!

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