Monday, May 2, 2011

A New Project

Well, we've started our first project of the Spring.  This is a project that I've wanted to do for many, many years.  We've been researching and researching, and for a while, we didn't think it would happen this year.  However, I found the perfect starting place last week on kijiji.  So, on Saturday, we drove to Hanna to pick it up.  Hanna is about a 4 hour drive from here, but it was an incredibly beautiful day, and the drive was gorgeous.  I'll post some pictures in the next few days, but I'll start with this one:
Here's a picture of the start of the new project.  It's a little smaller than we thought (6 ft. x 8 ft.), but it'll give us a good starting point.  "Why, it's a kids playhouse!", you may say.  Nope!  Remember?  We already have one of those!  It's something else... and it's gonna be great (I hope!).  I'll post another picture with some more clues tomorrow....


lindakatee said...

A guest house for Art's in-laws!!!
:)...( laughing )

The Goerzen Girls...and Art said...'s too big for that! (Just kidding, Mom & Dad)

stephanie said...

Is it your new chicken coop!