Sunday, May 29, 2011


I have a great sister-in-law.  Two, actually.  But one lives here.  And she's great.  Each year, to celebrate the Girls' birthday's, she takes them on an "Auntie Date".  Well, the auntie date used to be a day, and it has now turned into a weekend.  Each of the Girls eagerly awaits the arrival of their special weekend away, and will dream about the activities and snacks that they will eat.

Over the last month or so, Auntie Frieda has gotten "caught up" on her auntie dates with the Girls, first with Hannah, then Ellie Mae, and this weekend, it was Molly.  As much as I absolutely love that they have this amazing women who loves them like I do, and is even more protective of them than I am, I miss them dearly when they are gone. 

On Friday, Hannah had a birthday party/sleepover, and Molly was gone on her date, so it was just the four of us.  And I must admit, I felt a little bit lost.  I am so used to the hustle and bustle and noise and activity of the four Girls, that when there were only two, it seemed like a part of my body was missing.  It was much quiet(er).  And I only had to check one room instead of two before bed.

Yesterday, we went to the rodeo after we picked up Hannah.  And I did my usual counting of the, two, three.....four?  "Oh yes,"  I would remind myself, "Molly is away."  And I was sad.

Molly should be home any minute.  I find myself waiting to hear the van drive up.  I will hug her and kiss her and tell her I missed her, and she'll say, "Me too!  But guess what we did!!"  And I will feel like my body has been restored.  That's it's all in one piece again.  Until the next time that we are scattered.


stephanie said...

I totally understand your heart!

lindakatee said...

Teresa: YES, the years fly by way too quickly...and before you know it, they will leave the "nest".
Enjoy the journey, as I know you are.