Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I'm sitting in my dark living room, with all the kiddies tucked into bed. Art is out for the evening, I've tidied up my mess from the day, and it is quiet. So utterly quiet. And I love it! I know that if I didn't have the noise, my heart would yearn for it, but when I get these little gifts of alone time at home (usually I have to go out to be alone!), I relish them.

All day, my heart has been so full as I have been pondering how faithful God is. You see, I've been asking Him for some more stuff these days...not stuff, stuff, but stuff. You know? That I would be led by His Spirit and would have the courage to OBEY (that being the operative word!) what He is asking of me. That I would be able, in my own small way, to make a difference in someones life. Not necessarily a big, huge difference, but rather, a small, quiet kind of difference. And He has been so faithful in this journey that we are on to not overwhelm me, but yet to give me opportunity to put my money where my mouth is.... That so encourages me...kinda makes me feel like I am making some progress...

My whole idea of 'ministry' is quite different these days...I used to think, probably mostly sub-consciously, that we could only be recognized as 'ministering' if people gave us that label....pastor, teacher, counsellor...but I have been realizing over the past few years that we are all called to minister to each other. It's called love. We are called to love on one another. And that can look any million different ways. I love that I don't need the recognition of having a label, like "Pastor's Wife". But rather, as a "Cabinet Maker's Wife" I can do all that I have done in the past and more (and probably offend fewer people). So, I will continue on, feeling encouraged this quiet night, asking for more "stuff", and opportunity to put the things that the Lord is teaching me to some sort of practical use.


Shawna said...

I love this entry Teresa. Love your heart:)

Karen said...

You've made a difference in my life for years my dear!

111 said...

yep. amen.